Verisoul helps businesses stop fake accounts and fraud.

What is Verisoul?
Today, legitimate applications are inundated with fake users. Fake users includes programmatic users like bots or botnets as well as real people who are multi-accounting, malicious, cheating, and spamming applications. The problem is so widespread that estimates show fake users affect 95% of B2C businesses and cause over $100 billion of losses annually.
Verisoul's solution provides a seamless way to understand an application's fake user prevalence and take the first steps toward preventing fake user harm. The client SDK and backend API enable continuous monitoring and prevention of multi-accounting, bots and high risk accounts. It's critical for applications to prevent such accounts both at the onset but also at critical moments in an accounts lifespan.
The Verisoul platform provides an all-in-one fake user prevention solution that can adapt to a range of needs all with a single quick integration. Verisoul helps to establish that each account is:
- Real(not bots)**
- Trusted(not fraudsters)**
- Unique(not duplicates)**
Get Started
See the Quickstart guide to see Verisoul in action or to get started with a pilot integration!
Updated 15 days ago