Ask Verisoul AI (Beta)
Verisoul AI Agents are in Beta - they may be incorrect.
What is Verisoul AI
Verisoul's dashboard contains an AI Fraud Analyst that can answer questions about your accounts, their sessions, and your application.
The Ask AI component is on the Investigate AI page in the dashboard.
Our AI has real-time data about the account you're investigating, including:
- Account risk scores
- Accounts linked
- All session data
How to use Verisoul AI
Chat with it just like you would ChatGPT!
Verisoul AI does NOT SHARE any user PII with our LLM partners:
- Your account data is proprietary and private
- We use LLM partners with privacy preserving integrations
- The data we do share is privacy preserving and PII-free
Updated 15 days ago