To use Verisoul in mobile apps you'll need to run the client SDK in a native webview. Verisoul can work in React Native, Native IOS and Native Android apps.
The workflow follows the same pattern as the standard web integration except that you will need to listen for a session_id
from a native webview.
The webview should be opened in the background and can remain completely invisible to the user.
Open the webview
Open a native webview and navigate to the following Verisoul URL with a valid project_id
and env
, sandbox
var webViewUrl : String {
return "https://js.verisoul.ai/\(env)/webview.html?project_id=\(projectId)"
self.wkWebview.load(URLRequest(url: URL(string: webViewUrl)!))
val webView = findViewById<WebView>(R.id.webview)
webView.settings.javaScriptEnabled = true
webView.settings.domStorageEnabled = true // Enable DOM storage API
webView.addJavascriptInterface(JSBridge(this), "JSBridge")
Listen for session_id
Listen for a message from the webview that includes the session_id
. The session_id
is required to authenticate an account so you'll need to pass that to your backend in order to call the Verisoul API.
// listen for message from the webview
wkWebview.configuration.userContentController = userContentController
wkWebview.configuration.userContentController.add(self, name: nativeToWebHandler)
// parse session_id and pass to your backend
public func userContentController(_ userContentController: WKUserContentController,
didReceive message: WKScriptMessage) {
let body = message.body as? [String: String],
message.name.lowercased() == nativeToWebHandler.lowercased(),
let sessionId = body["session_id"]
// pass to your backend
// ...
else {
class JSBridge(private val context: Context) {
fun verisoulHandler(message: String) {
val messageJSON = JSONObject(message)
val json = JSONObject().apply {
put("session_id", messageJSON.getString("session_id"))
// pass to your backend
// ...
Close the webview
Upon retrieving the session_id
and authenticating the session you can close the webview
webView.parent?.let { parentView ->
if (parentView is ViewGroup) {
Sample Apps
Check out the sample apps to see a working webview integration: