Response Details


project_idstringthe id of the project
request_idstringthe id of the request
listsstring[]lists the account is a member of
num_sessionsintegercount of unique sessions from account
first_seendatetimetimestamp of first session we saw this account
last_seendatetimetimestamp of most recent session

Unique Devices & Networks

unique_devicesintegerCount of unique devices used by account over time span (1 day or 7 days); time is relative to last_seen (not current time)

More devices = more risk (and potential account sharing)
unique_networksintegerCount of unique IPs used by account over time span (1 day or 7 days); time is relative to last_seen (not current time)

More networks = more risk (and potential account sharing)


emailstringraw email address
personalbooleanwhether email is a known personal address domain (e.g., gmail)
disposablebooleanwhether email is a known temporary / disposable domain (fake email)
validbooleanwhether email is valid / real

Risk Signal Averages

device_riskfloataverage device risk across all sessions
proxyfloataverage proxy score across all sessions
vpnfloataverage vpn score across all sessions
datacenterfloataverage datacenter score across all sessions
torfloataverage tor score across all sessions
spoofed_ipfloataverage spoofed ip score across all sessions
recent_fraud_ipfloataverage recent fraud ip score across all sessions
impossible_travelfloataverage impossible travel score across all sessions
device_network_mismatchfloataverage device network mismatch score across all sessions

Note: Verisoul frequently adds new scores, data and intelligence to our API endpoints. However, we will not remove existing fields without advance warning.

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