Response Details

project_idstringthe id of the project
request_idstringthe id of the request
start_timestringISO datetime the session began


Information about the IP address for the given session

ip_addressstringip of connecting users
service_providerstringCompany / Internet Service provider that maintains connecting IP
connection_typestring {mobile, datacenter, business, education, government, hosting, banking}Type of connecting IP address


Geolocation information based on the current session's IP address

continentstringContinent of session IP address
country_codestring (2-letter format)Country of session IP address
citystringCity of session IP address
zip_codestringZip Code of session IP address
latitudefloatCoordinate of IP address
longitudefloatCoordinate of IP address


Information about the current session's browser

typestringBrowser type (e.g., Chrome, Safari)
versionstringBrowser major version
languagestringBrowser preferred language
user_agentstringBrowser user agent


Data about the session's current device

categorystringThe device category (e.g. desktop, mobile)
typestringDevice model (e.g., iPhone, Android)
osstringOperating system
cpu_coresstringNumber of cores detected
gpustringDetected GPU (graphics processing unit)


Behavioral events observed for the given session at the time of prediction

mouse_num_eventsintegerNumber of mouse events observed
click_num_eventsintegerNumber of click events observed (1 click = 1 event)
keyboard_num_eventsintegerNumber of keystrokes observed (1 up/down = 1 event)
touch_num_eventsintegerNumber of touches observed (1 up/down = 1 event)
clipboard_num_eventsintegerNumber of copy / pastes observed (1 copy or 1 paste = 1 event)

Risk Signals

Risk probabilities about the current session

device_riskbooleanCurrent device is an emulator, virtual machine, or has suspicious characteristics
proxybooleanSession IP is a detected Proxy IP (hiding their true IP and location)
vpnbooleanSession IP is a known VPN IP (hiding their true IP and location)
datacenterbooleanSession IP is a known datacenter IP (hiding their true IP and location)
torbooleanUser is connecting via known TOR network
spoofed_ipbooleanUser is connecting via known fake / spoofed / invalid IP
recent_fraud_ipbooleanCurrent IP has been marked for fraud in last 30 days
impossible_travelbooleanUser traveled impossible distance between recent sessions
device_network_mismatchbooleanDevice characteristics of user don't match typical network connection characteristics for that device (indicates potentially suspicious device)

Note: Verisoul frequently adds new scores, data and intelligence to our API endpoints. However, we will not remove existing fields without advance warning.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!